​Expert Surgical Care for Your Child’s Vision
We use cutting-edge technology and precision techniques to improve vision clarity and eye function, whether treating congenital cataracts or correcting eye misalignment due to strabismus. With a child-centered approach and tailored post-surgical care, we ensure the best possible outcomes for every young patient.

Congenital Cataract Surgery
Congenital cataracts can cloud a child's vision, hindering their ability to see and develop properly. Our skilled surgeons perform delicate procedures to remove the cloudy lens, restoring visual clarity.

Procedure Overview
Performed under general anesthesia for the child’s comfort.
A small incision is made in the cornea to remove the affected lens.
Depending on the child’s condition, an artificial lens may be implanted, or they may be prescribed eyeglasses or custom pediatric contact lenses.
Early intervention (ideally between 6–8 weeks of age) is crucial for optimal results.
If amblyopia (lazy eye) is present, vision therapy may be recommended to strengthen the weaker eye and improve binocular function.

Strabismus Surgery
Strabismus, or eye misalignment, can cause double vision and affect depth perception. Our specialized surgery corrects misaligned eyes, improving both appearance and function.

Procedure Overview
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
The surgeon adjusts the muscles that control eye movement by tightening, loosening, or repositioning them.
The muscles are reattached with sutures to ensure proper alignment.
Post-surgical vision therapy is recommended to rehabilitate binocular vision and reduce the risk of relapse.